City Government

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City of Cambridge Government

The governmental functions of Cambridge, Nebraska, are provided and coordinated by the Cambridge City Council, which comprises seven elected officials. The planning and zoning jurisdiction for the City of Cambridge includes an area within one mile of its corporate limits, pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statute § 17-1002.

City Staff

Courtney Stanton

(308) 697-3711

Bethany Stritt


Lisa Shifflet


Cambridge City Council

City Council Meeting Minutes & Agendas

January 6, 2025 Agenda

The Cambridge City Council

Our City Council is made up of seven elected officials, including the mayor and six voting Council members.

The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the community building downtown, at 722 Patterson.

Click the button below for the City of Cambridge Municipal Code.

City Council Members

David Gunderson

David Gunderson


Kevin Banzhaf

Kevin Banzhaf

City Councilman

Tony Groshong

Tony Groshong

City Councilman

Mike Harris

Mike Harris

City Councilman

John Kutnink

John Kutnink

City Councilman

Nora McGowen

Nora McGowen

City Councilwoman

Jeff Ommert

Jeff Ommert

City Councilman

Derek Raburn

Derek Raburn

City Councilman

Vernita Saylor

Vernita Saylor

City Councilwoman

Comprehensive Plan

Below is the current comprehensive plan for Cambridge, Nebraska. This documents is just that—a blueprint to develop the kind of community for tomorrow that Cambridge residents say they want. It provides guidance about where and how the city will invest and change during the 10-year period.

The plan presents maps, visions and goals for the future, as well as policies to address topics ranging from demographics to facilities and infrastructure; energy and natural resources; transportation; land use and annexation; and public input and goals. 

The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to provide long-range guidance to property owners, residents, elected and appointed officials, city staff, and other, to inform, provide options and stimulate community discussion about issues such as where and what type of future developments should occur.

You can review this public document at Creating Cambridge’s Tomorrow. Call the city office at (308) 697-3711 if you have any associated questions.