Boards & Commissions
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Jamie Weiss (2027)
Lisa Dutt (2025)
Lorrie Mowry (2027)
Jodi tenBensel (2026)
Tobiann Springer (2027)

Fairview Cemetery Board
5 Members, 3-Year Terms, October Appointment
Virginia Roberts (2025)
Sue Witte (2026)
Kenny Colson (2027)
Jessica Carbaugh (2027)
John MacLeod (2027)
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Cambridge Park Advisory/Tree Board
7 Members, 3-Year Terms, May Appointment
Georgia Dutt (2026)
Michele Ekberg (2026)
Aimee Peterson (2027)
Sam Jaeger (2027)
Diane Deselms (2025)
Ann Besler (2022)

Citizens Advisory Committee
Jo Lee Ebbers (2026)
Tammy Sexton (2026)
Cassidy Vontz (2026)
Pam Westadt (2026)
Tara Gross (2026)
Administration of an LB-840 tax program for economic development includes a compact with the citizens of Cambridge, who agreed to pay a higher sales tax in return for an investment in the future of the community. The residents have a right to review the effectiveness of that investment through a separate voice and authority—in the form of the Citizens Advisory Review Committee.
This advisory committee was created in November 2005, when the Cambridge community approved a tax levy to help fund economic-development projects under the legislature’s “LB-840” guiding legislation. According to city ordinance, this advisory committee meets at least twice a year with the Cambridge Economic Development Board and reports any concerns or findings to the mayor and City Council.
The Citizens Advisory Review Committee must not include:
- Any elected of appointed city official
- Any city employee
- Any participant in a decision-making position regarding expenditure of program funds
- Any official or employee of any business receiving assistance under the program.
- Any official or employee of a participating financial institution
- Any elected of appointed city official
- Any city employee
- Any participant in a decision-making position regarding expenditure of program funds
- Any official or employee of any business receiving assistance under the program.
- Any official or employee of a participating financial institution

Butler Memorial Library Board
5 Members, 5-Year Terms, July Appointment
Butler Memorial Library Board
3-Year Terms, September Appointment
Austin Reisig (2024)
Lisa Dutt (2025)
George Sund (2024)
Jodi tenBensel (2023)
Jaime Weiss (2024)